Oh, but it's not over
Saturday Kim's Mom came to town so we could go pickup the windows we ordered two weeks ago at Lowe's. We decided to also get a storm door while we were at it. "I need a 36x81 storm door like this one." I told the helpful Lowe's window guy. Took the thing home and was going to install it with the help of Tony...Opened the box and wouldn't you know I got the only 32x81 door that they had. For some reason the Lowe's guy gave me the wrong one. So, we took all the child seats out of the Vibe loaded the door up (Yeah, it can actually haul an 8' article) and exchanged it. I'm kind of glad though as the windows that we got were designed for a "drop-in" replacement instead of a regular replacement. The replacement windows that I should have gotten have a flange around the entire window which is what I needed. So, this Saturday Tony and I will make another trip to Lowe's to return these windows and order some other ones that will work.
It gets better
The highlight to all of this door not fitting, wrong windows, fridge done-n-gone broken, and Jayden doing a face plant is that Kim is on Jury duty for the week. That left me to stay home and take care of the kids yesterday and this morning. She'll have an updated entry of her own to explain how wonderful our judicial system really is.
It's okay now
I guess through all that has happened this week I'm just glad that everyone is mostly healthy (Josie had a cold Sunday and Yesterday, but is feeling better today) and no more things are breaking (hopefully). Thank goodness for Lowe's interest free for a year get out of jail card. haha
weak man, that is a bad weekend.
goodness.... when it rains, it really does poor.
It's a little trippy to have a couple of Derek's leaving comments on your blog. The challenge is to figure out which one is which. One is derek and one is Derek.
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