Friday, December 22, 2006
Getting the Hang of Christmas
Last weekend we had Christmas on the Wagner side. We all had a good time and watched the normal movie, "Christmas Vacation". We all got some good presents and more presents.
Yesterday Kim and the kids hung out with Emily and Mady. The kids exchanged gifts and apparently Jayden wanted to keep opening gifts...even though there weren't anymore. So, I think Jayden is getting the hang of Christmas or at least the gift part. haha.
Josie has been growing a bit...not as fast as Jayden did at her age, but still growing. She had her 6 month checkup yesterday and was a whole 12 pounds. She's starting to sit up on her own now. She'll sit for about a minute then fall over.
Don't forget to good and if you need help tracking Santa be sure to visit the Santa Tracking Site.
Merry Christmas!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Mini Projects

Kim has been keeping herself busy (most of the time...but she gets bored staying at home) being Mom. She does a great job keeping everything ship-shape in spite of Jayden's use of the living room as the play area. At least Jayden likes to organize his cars. He usually has them all lined up all straight and tidy. Kim's also getting everything ready (shopping) for Christmas which helps keep her mind occupied. She continues to read lots of books. I think she reads one a week. Too bad I didn't have more time to read. Oh well, maybe when I retire.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Josie's also been growing a lot too. She's starting to coo and is fascinated by her voice. She also has found her hands. She's been "eating" them like mad lately (No, she wasn't eating popcorn as seen in the picture :) ). We're not sure if it's just that she found them or if she's already getting teeth. She has a runny nose today so hopefully she isn't getting too sick. She loves to sit up and watch everything that's going on. It makes feeding her fun sometimes as she turns her head where ever Jayden is or to watch TV. Yes, I'm afraid she's already glued to the TV.
We went up to visit Tasha and Tony up in Nevada on Saturday to see their new little girl, Mataya. It's so cool to see them finally get another one adopted. They've been waiting for a long time. Notice how much bigger Josie is. She's already that much bigger. :)
Last night we carved Jayden's Pumpkin. Jayden thought it was fun this year and wasn't sad like he was last year. Wow, looking back on the pics, I can't believe how much Jayden has grown.
Kim also had fun trying to clean out the pumpkin as seen in the video below. hehe. :)
Friday, October 13, 2006
New Digs
didn't even realize that you are reading this blog from a different location than you usually do. I pulled up roots and moved from shieldhost to a new host, Site5. How do you like the new location? haha. You may notice the page load faster as I think the servers have more umph than shieldhost did.
I'm glad...
I made the move as it will give me an opportunity to get more for the money. Most notably, I'll again have SSH access (Shieldhost turned it off saying, "It isn't secure."). FTP is about as open as you can get and is the only alternative they gave for accessing your files online. For those of you who aren't computer savvy or know what I'm even talking about, it's about equivalent to sending a pay check in the mail without the envelope. Whereas, SSH everything is encrypted (Sending the check through Paypal). In addition to the whole SSH access, Shieldhost has been lagging on support (see Cedric's article). It takes them a while to get back to you if you have problems. I am fortunate that I didn't have the problems that Cedric did, but I did have some issues with Shieldhost (but, they are cheap...that's one point that I'll give them).
Some other features...
of Site5 include the ability to setup source control with either cvs or subversion. I've been working on some free lance web projects and having source control on the web server is something I've wanted for quite a while. I'm used to having source control at work and it would be a nice to have feature. Additionally, I am also pleased that they support RubyOnRails. I'm very new to it, but from what demos and documentation I've seen, I think it will speed up my web development and maybe organize things even further. I currently develop mostly PHP sites(outside of my real job which consists of Java, .Net, and a few other languages/environments). For PHP I'm using an open source framework called CodeIgniter which is based on the MVC approach, as is RubyOnRails.
Now for the good stuff...
Here's the kicker part of the whole Site5 deal. I can get a MultiSite account (Yes, more than just a domain pointer). You can have up to 6 domains on the first MultiSite plan and they all have an independent "control panel". You can add users to each site and they won't be able to see the other sites that you have on the main account. You can also maintain all sites from the main account. All this for $8.25 a month if paid annually, or $6.21 a month if paid in 2 year increments. This is all through their promotion and after the time you pay for (1 year or 2 years), the price goes up, but you can always switch to the shared account. More details can be found at their MultiSite Webhosting Specials page.
I know...
this sounds like an advertisement, but I've done my research in hosts and Site5 has to be the best one that I've found. They are truly setup to succeed and in turn help you succeed. They have a ton of support listed through-out their FAQ pages as well as their knowledge base and forums.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
What Can Go Wrong, Might Go Wrong

Oh, but it's not over
Saturday Kim's Mom came to town so we could go pickup the windows we ordered two weeks ago at Lowe's. We decided to also get a storm door while we were at it. "I need a 36x81 storm door like this one." I told the helpful Lowe's window guy. Took the thing home and was going to install it with the help of Tony...Opened the box and wouldn't you know I got the only 32x81 door that they had. For some reason the Lowe's guy gave me the wrong one. So, we took all the child seats out of the Vibe loaded the door up (Yeah, it can actually haul an 8' article) and exchanged it. I'm kind of glad though as the windows that we got were designed for a "drop-in" replacement instead of a regular replacement. The replacement windows that I should have gotten have a flange around the entire window which is what I needed. So, this Saturday Tony and I will make another trip to Lowe's to return these windows and order some other ones that will work.
It gets better
The highlight to all of this door not fitting, wrong windows, fridge done-n-gone broken, and Jayden doing a face plant is that Kim is on Jury duty for the week. That left me to stay home and take care of the kids yesterday and this morning. She'll have an updated entry of her own to explain how wonderful our judicial system really is.
It's okay now
I guess through all that has happened this week I'm just glad that everyone is mostly healthy (Josie had a cold Sunday and Yesterday, but is feeling better today) and no more things are breaking (hopefully). Thank goodness for Lowe's interest free for a year get out of jail card. haha
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Painting with No Kids

Sunday, we decided it was time to clean the carpets so we rented a Rug Doctor from Wal-mart. Man, what a difference it made. Looking at the dirty water wasn't a pleasant feeling as it was much less than clean! I'm almost ashamed we let the kids lay/play on it. haha
It was nice to be able to be just a couple again for a short time. Kim and I went to Jordan Creek Mall to do some walking around and I ended up getting a ton of shirts for cheap at Dillard's on Saturday. First time I've actually even gone in the store. Unfortunately, Kim didn't find anything that she liked. :( Then we went to Merle Hay Mall on Sunday.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
The Big 2
We decided to have something different for his birthday party this weekend. Most parents would probably get a clown or go some place cool, but we decided to have some fun with Pop and candy. You can watch the Mentos and Diet Coke video on YouTube. I think Jayden had more fun with that than he would have with a clown. haha (Or maybe it's his parents and family that had more fun). Here are some pictures as well of the Mentos & Diet Coke fun.
On Jayden's B-day, we took him to the Blank Park Zoo (Pictures). Although, it's not quite like the Omaha Zoo, we still had a good time. He got to feed the goats and watch his dad get attacked by them. Probably his favorite thing was riding the train. He LOVES trains right now. Especially Thomas the Tank Engine.
We took the plunge and got Jayden and Josie's pictures taken last Friday. It was a challenge but we managed to get a few cute poses. Some of you will be receiving copies in the mail, but you can look at them on line soon. We've started the fun process of painting the outside of the house. We are leaving it white but changing the trim to a reddish/burgundy/cranberry color. Right now it's a little bright. We hope it darkens a bit when we put another coat on. We are at least getting the front done, and then we'll worry about the rest next spring/summer.
Josie is growing like a weed and changes everyday I swear. Jayden has started to pester her a bit more, but really could care less about her. Hopefully someday he'll stick up for her!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Hot Hot Hot!

Black and White
I've also been doing a kind of social experiment at work. We use a multitude of chat clients and such and decided to try and live without the main one used by our "little" group, namely, IRC. I decided to do it in part because sometimes the conversations get a little heated. Communication in a chat program is entirely different than that of person-to-person. You don't really get the true feeling of a conversation (missing body language and the vibe that you get from talking with someone in person). It's understandable why parents are worried about their kids being bullied from online sources. So, without the IRC client going, it's been rather quiet. It's hard to believe how much a person can get tied to modern technology (although IRC has been around for quite a while). Yeah, I could just go 5 steps and talk to the rest of my co-workers, but seems like social experiences are different these days. People don't talk one-on-one like they used to, or at least it seems that way. Without IRC, I can be working and not even talk to my co-workers all day. I may have to go back and join the IRC chat. I feel alienated from the rest of the gang.
Anyway, enjoy the new look and hopefully you won't find too many things broken.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Back to Work
Josie is getting along nicely in her big new world. She actually is sleeping through most of the night and gets up around 4:30-5:00 in the morning to get her bottle. I sure hope she continues to do that as it's better for her Mom and Dad. :) It's amazing to see how fast they grow. After a week, she's already starting to fill out in her face.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Pleased to meet you, Josie Marie
Pictures can be seen in the photo set, Birth and Prebirth.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Can't Sit Still
In spite of Jayden graduating to his "big boy chair" and gaining another 2 pounds (not much, but at least he's holding steady), he's managed to gain his terrible twos attitude a bit early. This past weekend we went up to Hope and Mike's wedding in Emmetsburg, IA. The wedding was short and sweet, but Jayden thought he should make a big deal out of it and wasn't the quiet little boy he usually is. So, I spent half of the wedding in the atrium of the church with Jayden. Next we went to the reception for about a half an hour. Jayden proceeded to want to run around. Kim and I decided we'd just leave early and head back to Rockwell City to visit with her brothers. I guess the lesson in all this is that I don't think we will be able to take Jayden to another wedding anytime soon. I don't blame him any, he's almost 2 and he had been riding in the car for about 2.5 hours.
Kim did okay on the long trip, but I think she's paying for it now. She (and I) can't wait to have the baby! We're not all that excited about the birthing process or the sleepless nights, but more for the comfort of Kim and getting back to normal.
So, yeah, that's almost all that's happened within the last month.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Lucky in the Wal-mart Parking Lot
With this small fortune that we found at Wal-mart, we went to some garage sales with Kim's parents this weekend. I managed to find a computer for a dollar. It's not much of a computer but I thought I'd play around with it. Jayden was all excited he got to ride in Grandma's Avalanche. We'd ask him if he wanted to ride in the car, but he'd shake his head and say in his little voice, "No."
Baby number two is making Kim's life miserable. It seems that it's already started to drop some as Kim was feeling less then great over the weekend. Hopefully it stays in the oven at least another 2-4 weeks so it's not born too early.
Oh yeah, and I still have a job and haven't been "re-assigned". Hopefully it'll continue that way. We'll all find out more after another meeting this morning.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The Next Stage
Works been going good. I've been good and busy, but it's been hard to concentrate and do the whole "work smarter, not harder" because of some events that might be happening next week. I had a whole bit written about it, but decided to not include it in fear of getting in trouble for it. So, you'll have to wait till after next week to see what might or might not have happened.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Mustache Party
This weekend has been pretty quiet. It's been a while since we've just stayed around Ankeny and did very little. Friday I had off from work. It appears that Pioneer is becoming more of government than a business as we get the third Friday off in March now instead of Good Friday. Not sure what that's all about. Oh well, at least they still give us time off.
Anyway, on to the fun stuff. I think it was the week of February 6th, 2006 that I started to grow a goatee to get ready for Broox's mustache party that he had on March 17th. Lucky for me that my hair is leaving the top of my head so I could win the entry for longest/most hair for a mustache. Here's a picture of me starting out. I think it's with maybe a week's worth of growing. Here's a picture with my full goatee and finally, a picture with the mustache and "handle bars". haha. The party was a blast and I'm glad that I got to go. Saturday I had to shave it off. Not because Kim wanted me (she hated the facial hair), but because it was annoying to have. The initial itching was done, but I just hated it being around my mouth. It was weird shaving it off as I felt like I was naked. Even just shaving off the middle of the goatee made my chin feel cold, but now that it's all gone, I really feel the difference. I can actually feel the wind hitting my chin. haha. Oh yeah. And the Gillette Fusion that I won at the party works awesome!
Here's the full set of pictures for the mustache party. Thanks for the good time Broox!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Walking at 18 months!
We can now breath a sigh of relief. Jayden is now walking on his a certain degree. He won't get up from sitting without grabbing on to something, but once he's standing up, he can walk on his own if he decides to. He's done with physical therapy for now but will be getting some shoe inserts to see if we can correct his ankle from turning in. He had his 18 month doctor visit with the a different pediatrician on Wednesday. We're glad we switched doctors for him. The new doc is much better and takes the time to listen and actually hears what we're telling him. Jayden's now starting to say a few more words: Car, meaow, truck, yuck (pronounced ggaayh and also refers to the trash can), Dada, Mamma (when mad), done and maybe a few more that I can't remember.
Let's see what else...oh yeah. Work's been okay. I now have an appreciation of why corporations don't perform. I can't complain on my end, but it sucks that the only way management sees groups better interacting is to split up people between two groups to "make" everyone get along. Pretty stupid way of trying to increase productivity if you ask me. Oh well, I guess I have a job yet.
Baby number two is coming along nicely. Kim seems to be not as tired as she was first starting out. She usually makes it till 10 instead of the normal 9:00. haha.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Skulls & Bones...Run!
Today Kim had an ultrasound for Baby #2. It was just as cool as it was with Jayden to see all the pieces and parts of Baby #2. I'm sure that all babies look the same when they're inside. Take for example, picture 1 (Baby #2) and picture 2 (Jayden). They both look like aliens. At any rate, everything's looking normal and we are quite pleased.
Another cool thing happened Sunday. Jayden finally took his own steps to and from Kim and me. We couldn't be any more pleased. :)

Thursday, February 02, 2006
Sleep is gooood.
Well, yeah. What can I say, welcome back. It's been a while. Seems like not much has happened since my last writing. The new year has worn off and all that jazz. But, in reality there has been quite a bit that's taken place. No, Jayden's still not walking on his own, but he's a lot closer. He's walking around the ottoman with a 3-4 inch safety zone just in case he needs to grab hold of it. He does have an occasional sprint from one of us to the couch. He stands on top of the love seat with us by himself and thinks he's big stuff. He likes to get into things...pots and pans and shoes.
Monday he had fever and woke up at least ever hour on the hour that night and then Tuesday night he was up even more. Needless-to-say, Kim and I appreciate a good night's sleep and are happy that he's better. We think part of it is because of some new teeth coming in.
Jayden's saying a few words now. He has always liked saying, "Done" when he or someone else finishes something. He's saying car some and after watching Saturday morning cartoons, does an occasional, "Arrggh," in a pirate context. He shakes his head when he means yes and sometimes when he means no. We hope he keeps that up. :)
Baby #2 is coming along nicely. Kim filled me in yesterday that she's now able to feel it move, so tonight I got to feel it kicking. Next Tuesday we get to go in for the first ultrasound. Wonder what it's going to be...a boy or a girl? Hmmm. Oh the suspense.
Well, time to grab that sleep.