Sunday, January 23, 2005

Relaxing Weekend

This weekend was a pleasant weekend. Friday we spent the evening with a couple from our small group from Church. We went out to eat and then spent the rest of the evening playing games and eating some ice cream. Saturday was a fun day as we went to the ISU women's basketball game and then went to the Vorm's where we enticed our taste buds with some Hickory Park. Yum! Today we strolled through Jordan Creek Mall and topped the evening by watching the lamest movie I have ever seen, Napoleon Dynamite. I can honestly say that I lost some brain cells by watching it.

Jayden's growing all the time. He's starting to be more active and getting his own personality. His Mom likes to dress him up on all kinds of different outfits. He likes to spend a lot of time playing with his toys, cheering on the ISU Women's Basketball team, drooling, and practicing to roll over. Another milestone he set tonight was "blowing bubbles" while taking his bath, and I don't mean with his mouth. ;)


derek said...

omg, how can you not like napoleon dynamite.

Kevin said...

That movie sucked so bad. I think it would have been more fun to watch corn grow. The ending wasn't so bad, but the rest of it sucked. In fact, Kim even started to read the paper that I was reading during the it was pretty bad. :)

nick said...


derek said...

yeah your mom goes to college.

Kim said...

Fine!!......frickin' idiots......

Adam Clarke said...

what/??? AWESOME movie. I'm going to sick my Liger on you.